

We no longer have a landline. 

To contact us please phone 


Robin on 07933492657


Janice 07714301731


The Club held its yearly Charity Fishing Match on Sunday 17 September.  The nominated charity this year is Aoife Bubbles Charity.  We would like to thank Peter Roue, Steve Revell, Alan Worboys, Richard Hughes, Nina & John, Robin Payne, Riva Turkish Restaurant Rayleigh for donating raffle prizes - these were very gratefully received.   On the Charity Fishing Day money was raised by all participants in the match who donated their prize money and £80 by a separate raffle.  The amount raised on the day totalled £400.  Thanks to club members who purchased raffle tickets round the lakes donating a total of £652.  Also thanks to Sid Sage who through sponsorship raised a very generous £260.  The Grand Total raised for Aoife Bubbles Charity is £1312.  Club memberships were won by Alan King and Trevor Price.  Thank you to all members who took part and donated so generously.

The Match Result on the day :

Carp Section

1st Steve Warner 109lb 12ozs

2nd Robin Payne 22lb 4ozs

3rd Steve Revell 20lbs

Silver Fish Section

1st Neil Payne 15lbs

2nd Steve Crawley 13lb 4ozs

3rd Jeff Church 11lbs

Photos of club members who took part in the Charity Fishing Match

Photo of refurbished peg Robin has built on Left Lake

Sorry the Club Wednesday Silver Match on 20th July has been cancelled due to the extreme weather

11 April 2022

The Right Lake has been closed for a day.   The photo shows dare devil tree feller carefully cutting back and removing the tree which was listing towards the water, due to the recent storms



We are pleased to announce following the £480 raised at our Charity Fishing Match on 19 September, a further £845 has been raised by a separate raffle and donations at the angling club leading to a total raised in aid of Aoifes Bubbles Charity of £1325.  Special thanks to our raffle donators, Outlaw Pro Tackle Shop, Alan Worboys, William Smith and Steve Revell.  The winning 30 raffle tickets were drawn by our grandson Jaxon.

Our grateful thanks to everyone who participated.


We are very pleased to be able to let you know that the Government have announced that Match and Night Fishing can resume on 29th March 2021

Received from The Angling Trust :

  • Fishing will remain permitted as outdoor recreation or exercise for up to 6 people, or in a larger group if everyone present is from the same two households. A ‘household’ can include the support bubble linked to that household [if eligible].
  • Outdoor recreational activities and exercise may take place at night so you may fish into or through the night. There are no time limits on outdoor recreation. However, you may not go on holiday to go fishing or use fishing as a pretext for a camping trip as overnight stays for these purposes remain prohibited until April 12th (Step 2)
  • Match fishing will be enabled as an organised outdoor sport from March 29th. Organised outdoor sports will not be subject to the gatherings limits, but should be compliant with guidance issued by national governing bodies to ensure appropriate steps, including risk assessments, are taken to make it Covid secure in line with the law. At this stage, these gatherings must only include participants – not spectators.
  • Private boat fishing under the Rule of 6 and charter boats operating in accordance with Covid precautions should now both be allowed. However, where fishing takes place on a partially enclosed boat (eg with a cabin or lounge area) with the exception of the skipper, those outside the household support bubble must not go indoors (except for access to/use of the toilet).
  • The statutory stay at home restriction will be lifted but the guidance will encourage you to minimise travel outside of your local area. This means avoiding making unnecessary journeys, combining trips and avoiding travel at peak times where possible. People should avoid travelling further than is reasonably necessary to take part in, or during, their activity.
  • Tackle shops and other ‘non-essential retail’ can fully open at Step 2 (April 12th) but can continue to offer click/call and collect until this point. Fisheries offering self-contained accommodation such as campsites and holiday lets, where indoor facilities are not shared with other households, can also reopen at this time.
  • Throughout, anglers must also ensure they are in possession of a valid fishing licence, adhere to fisheries bylaws including the close season (March 15 to June 15 for coarse fishing on rivers) and have permission of the fishery owner.

I haven't posted for a while so here's a couple of photos.  On Sunday 7 February fishing from Peg 21 on the Left Lake Mark Newham  during the very cold snowy weather caught a good bag shown in the first photo.  The second and third photos taken today, Monday 8 February when surprisingly the lakes were not frozen , so I decided to have a fish up the Top Lake and I caught 5 carp and 1 bream in a couple of hours.  The photo shows one of the carp caught for approx 4lb 8ozs.  I had to stop fishing when my line froze to the rod rings!




(Would all HAC members please use common sense if coming fishing)


07 January 2021

The Government have now formally responded to the representations made by the Angling Trust. We have promoted the huge benefits of fishing on individual health and wellbeing and have been able to present a case to which the Government have listened. On this basis I am pleased to announce that fishing will be permitted during the third national lockdown in England.

The Head of Sports Participation at DCMS confirmed the following:

“fishing is allowed as exercise so long as participants adhere to the rules on staying local, gathering limits, social distancing and limiting the time spent outdoors”

This has also been confirmed by DEFRA:

“Cabinet Office have now officially confirmed that angling / fishing (incl. sea fishing off private boats, water sports) can be considered exercise and are hence permitted.”

We have worked extremely hard to reach this position and we as anglers have a duty to abide by the strict conditions under which fishing is once again permitted. With infection rates and death tolls

rising we must stick to the Government’s rules and ensure that angling remains part of the solution and does not cause problems.

Please bear in mind these key points which will be reflected in the new Angling Trust guidelines which we will publish shortly:

This is a strictly limited resumption of LOCAL fishing and very different to how we have been allowed to operate since May.

We are in a National Lockdown and this must be respected. The law requires a ‘reasonable excuse’ to leave your home or penalties will apply.

The Government has recognised that fishing can be seen as exercise, which is expressly permitted under the lockdown rules, although outdoor recreation is not.

Organised sporting gatherings are prohibited so no match fishing.

The exercise is limited to once a day so no overnight fishing whatsoever.

To remain within the law you should follow the Government’s guidance, and only fish locally within the district where you live. If you have no local fishing available then you will have to take your daily exercise in other ways.

We are once again able to enjoy the sport we love at a time when many others cannot and we must ensure that every angler adheres to the rules.

I would ask all anglers who are not members to join the Angling Trust and give us your support. We have worked tirelessly to achieve this outcome and that is only possible thanks to the support of our new and existing members. I would ask all anglers who value their ability to go fishing to make the same commitment as your fellow anglers have and join the Angling Trust. We are stronger together!

Join the Angling Trust today

Stay safe and very best fishes

Jamie Cook

Chief Executive, Angling Trust


Covid-19 Lockdown Newsflash  06 January 2021

Following yesterday’s written communication from the Cabinet Office that fishing is to be prohibited throughout the third national lockdown period we contacted supportive MPs and highlighted the problems with this decision and the logic behind it, with a view to securing a safe return to angling as soon as possible. Late this evening I was informed by DCMS officials that the Government are again reconsidering their position.

It would appear that the definition of “exercise” may well be wider than the previous ‘running, walking, cycling’ and we have insisted that the Government recognise both the physical health and mental wellbeing benefits of angling in any decision they make. We strongly believe that exercise should not simply be limited to high impact, aerobic activities which the first lockdown proved led to many in society being left without the means to maintain an active lifestyle. The Government has heard our case loud and clear and it was repeated with some force by MP’s in this afternoons commons debate. We hope that they will now acknowledge, as they have before, that fishing is part of the solution and not part of the problem.

We are expecting to see the publication of revised guidance and supporting FAQ’s from the Government tomorrow. We will immediately share these with the angling community the moment they become available. We are working as hard as we can for our members and the sport we all love and when we know more so will you.

This is incredibly frustrating for all of us. Anglers have acted with huge credit throughout this period and I thank you for your support.

Please stay safe


Jamie Cook

CEO – Angling Trust


Whilst the regulations have not yet been published we have been informed this evening by the Cabinet Office that the Government have taken the decision that fishing in England will not be permitted during this national lockdown period. Whilst this is disappointing news I would ask anglers, fisheries and clubs to respect these rules and the reason they have been put in place; to help save lives and support the NHS.

Individuals should not go fishing from midnight tonight (5th January) and clubs and fisheries should close their waters to anglers. We will be publishing more detailed guidance on specific areas like bailiffing and fishery maintenance once the Government regulations have been published.

Over the past few weeks we have been in communication with the Government at the highest possible level. We have presented a strong case on how fishing could continue safely during the third national lockdown. We have explained that fishing benefits physical health and mental wellbeing and that it is regularly the only form of activity individuals undertake. You can read our representations to Cabinet Ministers on Angling Trust website.

My team and I have consistently presented the arguments ahead of the changing government guidelines, which have allowed fishing to remain permitted continuously since the first national lockdown was lifted in May. We have been successful when other sports have not as all anglers will know.

However, with 60,000 new infections announced today, the Government have taken the decision that leaving home for recreation or leisure, including all forms of recreational fishing, should be prohibited in England during this third national lockdown period.

I thank you for your support and for being a credit to our sport. As members, you can rest assured that the Angling Trust will continue to represent our sport at the highest level and will present proposals for the resumption of angling when it is safe and sensible to do so. We will come through this period of national crisis. We will fish again, but until then, please, stay safe.

Jamie Cook
CEO, Angling Trust


We need to await tomorrow’s publication of the regulations necessary to enact this evenings announcement on a national lockdown by the Prime Minister. We will take professional advice and carefully review what they mean for angling and then publish guidelines for anglers, clubs, fisheries and all associated with our industry. We have spent today lobbying Cabinet members for outdoor recreational activities to remain specifically permitted and are disappointed that this may not be the case. We will publish an update here and on the Covid section of our website.

We will be extremely busy working on this and request that at this stage you do not contact with individual questions. Thank you.


Government Guidance here : copied from Angling Trust Website


  • Outdoor recreation remains permissible so fishing locally with one other is fine
  • We are effectively back to lockdown in Tier 4 so no gatherings or matches (as in the last lockdown)
  • Travelling to fish should be local and not involve entering or leaving or passing through a Tier 4 area
  • Tackle shops and other stores can still remain open and operate click and collect
  • Outdoor facilities such as fisheries can remain open
  • No time limits have been placed on outdoor recreation so night fishing remains permissible, as previously confirmed in writing by both DEFRA and DCMS, until we are advised otherwise
  • Voluntary or paid fishery management work, including bailiffing and maintenance work, remains a legitimate reason to leave home
  • The rules for Tiers 1, 2 & 3 remain in place


The information below is taken directly from the Angling Trust website 5 November 2020:

“Angling is deemed a permissible form of ‘outdoor recreation’, and a lawful reason to leave home. It can take place, without time limits, within the provision allowing people “to visit a public outdoor space for the purposes of open air recreation”.

The regulations are clear and you can only leave home to fish with members of your own household, your support bubble or with one other individual. The Rule of Six is now effectively the Rule of Two for most of us. The tightening of the rules on ‘gatherings’ means that match fishing or any other organised fishing event is prohibited by law during lockdown. However, competitive fishing will be able to resume once there is a return to the three tier system of restrictions

Fisheries are not on the published list of businesses that the government has ordered to close and there is no reason that they should do so providing that they operate in accordance with the rules “

If you have any queries please get in touch

Club Matches Can Resume
The Government has given the go ahead for fishing matches to resume. Therefore the Club's Match List will come into effect from 27 May 2020.

Also the booking in system will stop from Monday 1 June. Please still keep the 2 metre distance, still sanitise and show commonsense round the lakes.
16 May 2020 - Matches Cannot Take Place
We are really sorry to tell our members who enter our matches that we will not be able to run any at the moment as we have just received notification from The Angling Trust who are our insurers that :
"As public gatherings/events are currently banned by the Government, competitions are not permitted as they would be in breach of legal requirements under COVID-19 legislation. This is legally enforceable and by holding competitions, fisheries and clubs risk fines for themselves and participating anglers. In addition, committing a criminal offence will invalidate insurance policies."
Obviously we cannot operate without insurance in place.
When we get the go ahead to be able to run matches again we will notify members personally and through facebook and our website.

We will be opening the lakes on Wednesday 13 May with the following conditions to save overcrowding on the bank.

1      Members must telephone and book the day they want to come and the lake you would like to fish. To save any chance of over crowding

2      Please make sure you have already paid your subs before you fish. Payment by either bank transfer or at the house but ring first to make sure we are

3      I will be closing pegs off that are too close to one another

4      Please bring your own hand sanitiser with you and use after opening and locking padlocks and if you use the wc.

5      Park considerately.

6      Always stay a minimum of 2 mtrs apart when passing on paths.and give way or back up if distancing necessitates.

This will help to keep us safe. We may have to adhere to this until its safe not to. It will be worth it and your co-operation is much appreciated.
Thanks for all the supporting comments on the recent forced temporary shutdown of fishery due to Covid-19. Thank you for your understanding. To show that this time will not be wasted here are some photos of me working on the lakes. To me its a bit like having the old Closed Season back, really strange with no one here. Have purchased a lot of coarse pellets and will be feeding all the lakes as necessary. Stay safe and we look forward to welcoming all members back really soon.
Travelling to go fishing is classed as non essential travel and from today the police have the power to issue on the spot fines and for repeat offenders arrest is an option. We do not want to encourage our members to break the law. We are deeply sorry we are now closed but the decision has been made for us.  

Latest advice from Angling Trust is - "stop fishing and stay safe
We must all do what is required of us by the Government and work together to fight this pandemic. Therefore, until further notice we should all refrain from fishing. This is about saving lives and supporting the NHS. We have been in contact with the Government regarding its view on fishing as a permitted activity and hope to update you all shortly."

The Countryside Alliance's website reads: "The efforts to control the spread of Covid-19 have intensified, with the country now in lockdown.

"While it is tempting to imagine sitting out Covid-19 by isolating on a river bank or pond, we are advising against this.
"Fighting a global pandemic requires a concerted effort by the entire nation. Going fishing means travelling to a destination, which is non-essential travel and forbidden.
"There is also a higher risk of coming into contact with others, either when travelling or while fishing, than there would be if you remained at home."
Corvid 19. Following the Prime Minister's speech 23 March 2020 the Club is seeking advice whether the fishery is deemed a park and therefore members will be able to come fishing for fresh air and mental health. After telephoning the EA this morning we were told by them that it is not in their remit. We are awaiting information from the Angling Trust, who are being very helpful, on this grey area.
UPDATE : 24 March The Angling Trust have been in touch and say they are awaiting clarification from Government whether fishing is as good as, or better than going to the park. But obviously fishing is a little way down the Government's priority list. We will let you know as soon as we are informed.
Sunday 15th September
Basildon Tractor Plant Charity Pairs Match held at Hockley Angling Club raised £625 for Aoife Bubbles Charity for Germ Cell Cancer. 
Thank you for contribution to Circus Tavern, Corals Bookmakers, Lakeland Fishery, Hockley Angling Club and all club members who donated raffle prizes. A special thanks to those members who donated their prize money.

Match Results :
First Pair 
Colin Miles and Harry Newham 
combined weight 123lb 4ozs
Second Pair 
Geoff Long and Lofty 
combined weight 106lbs 6ozs; 
Third Pair 
Steve Warner and Dave Slatford 
combined weight 77lbs 14ozs
AOIFE'S BUBBLES CHARITY has been set up by Eilish and Richard Aoife's Mum and Dad to bring awareness of this Cancer by informing the medical profession and families.  Below is a description of Germ Cell Cancer in Eilish's own words to inform you :

Germ Cell Cancer is a rare childhood cancer, but although it is rare - this cancer is very real.  What happened to Aoife is a rarity, but if it can happen to our beautiful feisty courageous little firecracker it can happen to anyone.  So, we are on a mission for Aoife.  A mission to make sure everyone and we mean everyone, has heard of Germ Cell Cancer, what it is, what the symptoms are and what to ask you GP if you are worried about your child.  
Germ Cells are in all of us, we all have Germ Cells in our ovaries or our testis.  However, during a child's development some of these little cells can become a little frantic, become abnormal and produce a tumour.  this usually happens in the ovaries or testis but can also form in the abdomen, chest, lower spine or brain.
The thing about Germ Cell Cancer is that (with any cancer, but this cancer in particular) if caught early the curative rate following treatment is amazingly high.  Yet, despite this information and my protests with my GP and hospital, Aoife's cancer was missed.  What would have given Aoife a fairer chance in the fight for her life - a simple blood test.   ..... 

There are several fisheries locally which have suffered from cases of KHV. This is a serious threat to all fisheries.

 More information can be found at the following government website regarding up to date confirmed locations of the virus.


 The disease is usually only transmitted by stocking new fish from other waters which have the virus. Following advice from Government Bodies the KHV could also infect fisheries via damp keepnets.

 The Club has therefore taken the following steps to keep the fishery safe from KHV.

* Any member wishing to use their own keepnet must leave it in the Keepnet Store at the lake locked using their own paddlock


* Use one of the keepnets supplied by the Club

* On Match days all competing anglers must have dry nets which will be inspected before the draw. Any angler caught with a wet net will not be allowed to fish

Hockley Angling Club breeds most of its own fish for re-stocking purposes on Club grounds. This obviously reduces the chance of contracting KHV through diseased fish. When the Club has to buy fish we only purchase from reputable
fish farms.
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